Here’s a few that I’ve installed. I still have to see how the group responds to the games :
- Armagetron – real-time Tron light-cycle arena clone in 3D.
- Bitfighter – real-time 2D space combat game with dual-axes controls.
- BZFlag – real-time 3D tank battle game. This one can be a bit frantic.
- Domination – turn-based 2D “risk” like strategy game that supports alternative world maps.
- Hedgewars - turn-based 2.5D strategy, artillery, action and comedy game.
- Scorcehed3D - turn-based 3D artillery game.
- WarMUX - turn-based 2D Worms-like game.
- Aeron – a combat flight simulator.
- Freeciv - turn-based civilization like game.
- FreeCol – turn-based strategy game like civilization.
- JSettlers2 – web-based version of Settlers of Catan.
- SuperTuxKart – a kart racing game that supports up to four players on one PC. Unfortunately, no LAN play at this time.