This is a collection of miscellaneous stuff. Mostly related to projects that I plink on from time to time and research interests. This just makes it easier for me to google the stuff later on. Please note that I do retroactively edit posts.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Manually add libdvdcss.dll to Handbrake on 64-bit Windows 7
1. Download GStreamer WinBuilds v0.10.6 GPL (x86) (GStreamer-WinBuilds-GPL-x86.msi ) from OSSBuild Downloads.
2. Install GStreamer.
3. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\OSSBuild\GStreamer\v0.10.6\bin
4. Copy libdvdcss-2.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake
5. Rename libdvdcss-2.dll to libdvdcss.dll
Check Handbrake Windows 7 64-Bit DVD Ripping for a 64-bit oriented guide.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Digital Curation / Digital Asset Management TTPs for digital forensics artifacts
Started looking into Digital Curation / Digital Asset Management techniques, tactics and procedures. I’m mostly interested in curating and preserving digital forensics artifacts -- hard drive images, memory images, network trace captures, event log files, etc.—to support team oriented forensics analysis and annotation of large scale digital corpora. I prefer to use open source technologies. Fortunately for me, professional digital archivists are already working the issues!
- There is a list of candidate technologies at the Open Source Digital Asset Management page.
- The Digital Curation Exchange provides a searchable resource directory.
- Also, Leslie Johnston from the Library of Congress posted a short list of tools for digital curation.
The Council on Library and Information Resources provides an overview of the challenges in their December 2010 report titled “Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections”. A bit on the lighter side…the “Preserving Virtual Worlds Final Report” from IDEALS investigates preservation of video games and interactive fiction.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Netzob–Reversing protocols
Just saw Netzob on free(code) today. It looks like it combines protocol format recovery (vocabulary) and control flow recovery as automaton. They use grammar inference (specifically Angluin L*) to generate a modified Mealy machine. Very cool! I previously did some work inferring protocol control flow as FSM using a few GI algorithms. I’m off to the netzob code repository to have a look…
Storage Virtualization for home use
I have several odd size SATA drives that I might be able to put back to work…so I’m looking for a storage virtualization system. At the moment it looks like Windows 8 Storage Spaces or the Linux based Greyhole might be the best fit for my home use scenario. Greyhole is the storage pooling system used in Amahi.
IQEmu–Launch Windows apps in a VirtualBox sandbox on Linux host.
Alternatives to Objective-C that target iOS
- RubyMotion – based on MacRuby is a Ruby implementation built in Objective-C. The backend is a LLVM derived compiler that emits iOS native code.
- MonoTouch – from Xamarin, the developers of Mono, it’s a version of C# that targets iOS. They also have developed Mono for Android so there is the possibility of sharing some code between platforms.
- RoboVM - translates Java bytecode into native ARM or x86. One advantage RoboVM has over RubyMotion and MonoTouch is that source is available at GitHub robovm/robovm.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Slashdot Alternatives?
Google Trends shows Slashdot's declining search volume index and, of course, what post like this would be complete without a link to Quit Today!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Learning From Data course material
Caltech Professor Yaser Abu-Mostafa is allowing online live access to Learning From Data lectures April-May 2012. The Learning From Data book is available from Amazon.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Technic– Minecraft launcher with mod pack support
Technic - finally a Minecraft launcher with support for some of the big mod packs. At time of writing it supports: Technic, Tekkit, Vanilla, VoxelMODPACK, and YogBox. The only quirk I’ve run into so far is that it requires a 64-bit JRE on 64-bit OSes.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Kid-friendly Multi-Player games (Console)
Another rainy weekend… Tried out several PC oriented games over the last couple weekends with varied success. This weekend it was time to hit the “bargain bin” at Amazon for “Lego video games” and Zelda for the Wii.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Kid-friendly, Open Source, Multi-Player/LAN games
Here’s a few that I’ve installed. I still have to see how the group responds to the games :
- Armagetron – real-time Tron light-cycle arena clone in 3D.
- Bitfighter – real-time 2D space combat game with dual-axes controls.
- BZFlag – real-time 3D tank battle game. This one can be a bit frantic.
- Domination – turn-based 2D “risk” like strategy game that supports alternative world maps.
- Hedgewars - turn-based 2.5D strategy, artillery, action and comedy game.
- Scorcehed3D - turn-based 3D artillery game.
- WarMUX - turn-based 2D Worms-like game.
- Aeron – a combat flight simulator.
- Freeciv - turn-based civilization like game.
- FreeCol – turn-based strategy game like civilization.
- JSettlers2 – web-based version of Settlers of Catan.
- SuperTuxKart – a kart racing game that supports up to four players on one PC. Unfortunately, no LAN play at this time.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Extract files from executable installation package/Windows installers
I needed to extract a couple of files that were embedded into an executable installation package. After a few fruitless googles on recording Windows installers, and automated software removal I finally came across Universal Extractor. I used it to extract the files from an InstallShield package in an .exe file.