Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Manually add libdvdcss.dll to Handbrake on 64-bit Windows 7

I was looking for a process that would allow someone to manually add  libdvdcss.dll to a 32-bit Handbrake version 0.9.6 install on 64-bit Windows 7.  After a bit of web searching the process that seems to work for many is:
1. Download GStreamer WinBuilds v0.10.6 GPL (x86) (GStreamer-WinBuilds-GPL-x86.msi ) from OSSBuild Downloads.
2. Install GStreamer.
3. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\OSSBuild\GStreamer\v0.10.6\bin
4. Copy libdvdcss-2.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake
5. Rename libdvdcss-2.dll to libdvdcss.dll

Check Handbrake Windows 7 64-Bit DVD Ripping for a 64-bit oriented guide.


Unknown said...

Or you can get the 64 bit dll directly from vlc here...

Michele said...

Thanks so much for this. This was the only thing that wasn't making my handbrake work like I wanted it to. I pinned this, but I didn't have a picture to go with it. Could you add a picture? Thanks!